Millions of children under the age of 18 have face-to-face contact with police in any given year. The #Right2RemainSilent bill (S.1099A / A.8923A) is legislation that would require youth under 18 have the opportunity to consult with counsel prior to police interrogation.
Join us in the fight to ensure that children’s Miranda rights are protected and minimize the risk of harm arising from false confessions. We call on New York lawmakers to pass the #Right2RemainSilent bill and ensure New York’s youth are protected.
Every day, over 30,000 New Yorkers languish in state prisons. 3 out of 4 are Black or brown. New York’s commitment to mass incarceration helps fuel America’s shameful standing as the largest cager of human life in the world, with more than two million people detained in prisons, jails, and immigrant detention facilities throughout the country.
Together we can demand NYS to pass
#SecondLookAct (S.321 / A.531)
#EarnedTimeAct (S.774 / A.1128)
#EliminateMandatoryMinimumsAct ( S.6471/ A.2036)
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Whether it’s voting for your school district’s budget and board members or choosing your next Mayor, voting is one of the easiest ways you can make your voice heard as a young person.